Surfacing wisdom together, riding the waves of success

Our story

Great things can often come from a good question. Maynard Group was launched when our first client said, “Can you help us with a tricky people issue?” Since then, we’ve never looked back.

Fundamentally, we believe that healthy, sustainable, impactful, organizations are those where teams have the capacity, knowledge, tools, and passion to achieve their vision. We chose the sea turtle as our guiding mascot. In the open ocean, sea turtles encounter strong currents; they have limited visibility, and often there are no visible landmarks to guide them to their destination. Yet like our clients, sea turtles make remarkable journeys.

Our team of consultants have a broad range of skills in human resources, organizational development, learning, and conflict resolution. Whether it’s designing an HR strategy, coaching a leader, recruiting a new team member, facilitating a conversation, resolving a conflict, or just dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s—we’re here to help.

Maynard Group Staff Team

HR Consultants

Organizational Development Consultants

Leadership & Development Consultants

Mediation & Conflict Resolution Practitioners

Our Vision

Build healthy, sustainable, impactful organizations.

Our Mission

All organizations have the capacity, knowledge, and skill to effectively achieve their vision.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to support our clients in making distinctive, lasting, and substantial improvements in their performance and to build an environment that attracts, develops, and engages exceptional people.

Our Values

Accountability | Clarity | Process | Collaboration | Candour

How we work

  • We offer free, no obligation consultations

    Having a starter chat about something important shouldn’t cost you—and with us it doesn’t. Book a free, no obligation consultation with one of our consultants.

  • We work in-house and as an outsourced service

    Whether you want us to be embedded within your team or in the background—we’ve got you covered. We have consultants who can work with you where you’re at.

  • We offer competitive hourly or project-based rates

    We know that resource management is important. Our rates are competitive, deliver value, and are flexible to meet your budget—we’re here to help.

  • We’re driven by results and customer satisfaction

    Our team is as passionate about your business as you are, and we’re committed to doing excellent work. We pride ourselves on delivering quality work, on time, and to a high standard.

  • We'll help you unlock your talent from within

    We believe organizations have the capacity to do great things when they grow their people. Ask us how we can help you unlock the talent within your organization so that you can take your team to the next level.

Our commitment to our community

Giving back is important to us. We donate 5% of our net profits to charity in the form of donations and pro-bono work. 

Client Testimonials

It all starts with a conversation. Get in touch.

Phone: (604) 256-5648

We’d love to start a conversation with you. Contact us to book a free consultation.